Friday, December 16, 2011


Today I was playing with Lucas (my 2 yr old host brother) and Dani (his 2 yr old cousin).

As they rolled cars around on the ground, the following conversation took place:

Lucas: Dani, tienes moco?
Dani: No, no tengo moco.
Lucas: No? Porque yo si.

Lucas: Dani, do you have a runny nose?
Dani: No, no I don't.
Lucas: No? Because I do.

Dani was a very good boy and helped put all the toys back in the cabinet when he was finished.

Me: Muy bien, Dani. *pats Dani on back*
Dani: Porque me pegas? *smiles* Eres muy mala!

Me: Very good, Dani. *Pats Dani on back*
Dani: Why are you hitting me? *smiles* You're being bad!

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